Connect the World Challenge Newsletter

Our first Connect the World Challenge Newsletter will bring you up to speed on what is happening. Who's doing what, how everyone is getting on and where in the world have we got to.

We've kicked off the challenge with an absolute blast of mileage! Erin and Francisco alone covered 4600km between them. Our other fantastic challengers have added even more kms to our total and we will be featuring them in our future Newsletters.

Where has this got us around the world?

This month's 'virtual vacation' has taken us from the Vancouver waterfront where Erin set off, a short trip to Seattle to call in on Steve & John (giving a quick wave towards the Calgary crew on the way) then south to Howard in Portland, Oregon, across to Reno, Nevada to make sure Sev is keeping up with the golfing target, and into California over the Golden Gate Bridge, and ending up in San Jose where Sblend should be running to greet us. 1800km covered!

And more good news - the mileage in hand is going to take us down into LA and South America on our next 'virtual vacation' - get the coffee on Greg!

What a trek!!

Download the Newsletter to hear their stories and see their pictures.

See their progress here and read about the firms that have been 'connected' along the way

Want to see who else is joining in and what they're doing