Worker’s Compensation Practice Group Call

6th March 2024, 4 pm UK GMT

Wednesday 06 Mar 2024, at 16:00

We are going to be holding a Worker’s Comp call on Weds 6th March, hosted by Devin Esposito of ZKS in Orlando. 

The aim will be to create connections across MI and have a discussion about how we can make the group useful going forward.

The challenge with Work Comp, of course, is that in terms of sectors/jurisdictions, it is technically governed by the administrative, not judicial branch and it varies substantially from state-to-state and jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  The suggestion, though, is to have a call with the aim of growing the group or, at a minimum, confirming whether such a group would be beneficial across jurisdictions, eg. Perhaps establishing an MI “database” of recommended physicians? 

Appreciating that not everyone will be able to make the call at 11am US EDT / 4pm UK (some because of Asia time zones), we will record it and send a summary around.

To join the call:
Meeting ID: 813 5039 6384   ;   Passcode: 780882