MI Estates & Trusts Practice Group Call
Mackrell Events

MI Estates & Trusts Practice Group Call
8th March at 4 pm UK GMT
We are pleased to announce the first Estates & Trusts PG Call of 2023 introducing our new PG Chairs, Denise Chambliss and Tim Maximoff from Hoge Fenton in San Francisco, California.
The Agenda below is planned to set up a plan of activities, events and discussion points to roll out in 2023.
Join us to prepare:
Introduction of new joint Chairs – Denise Chambliss and Tim Maximoff, Hoge Fenton, San Francisco, California
Introduction of Attendees
New Chairs outline of working and development of the Practice Group
Group discussion on programme for the year
Regularity of calls – set dates
Suggested discussion points and identification of recent ‘hot topics’ for focus
Suggested Speakers
Suggested Webinars
Suggested resource development
Please us the following code to join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 5460 7417 ; Passcode: 212825
For further information please contact Tim tim.maximoff@hogefenton.com and Denise denise.chambliss@hogefenton.com