Global M&A Group Call with MGI Worldwide

20th September 2023, 8.30 am BST and 16.00 pm BST

Wednesday 20 Sep 2023, at 08:30

Our regular M&A group call with MGI to cover business opportunities, exchange ideas and share information will take place on 20th September at 8.30 am and 16.00 pm BST to allow for all time zones.

  1. Joint Business Bulletin:  We are putting together the next Business Bulletin to circulate.  If you have any M&A opportunities you would like to include (sticking to the template/format below please), please send them to Keith Heddle and/or Nicki Lynn by the 14th July.

  • Type: Buy, Sell or Invest

  • Sector

  • Location

  • Size of deal (if applicable)

  • Highlights: a maximum of 153 characters including spaces


  1. Topics to tackle:  What would you like to see/hear at this meeting?  We’ve had sessions on PE and ESG investing, but also the simple opportunity to connect and see what opportunities might be happening in each other’s markets.  Let me know if there’s something specific you’d like us to cover – thanks.

To register for the 8.30 am call

To register for the 16.00 pm call