Global M&A Group Call with MGI Worldwide

22nd May 2024, 8.30 am BST and 16.00 pm BST

Wednesday 22 May 2024, 08:30 - 17:00

Our regular M&A group call with MGI to cover business opportunities, exchange ideas and share information will take place on 22nd May at 8.30 am and 16.00 pm UK BST to allow for all time zones.

This time, however, you will have the opportunity to give an update on a recent transaction, M&A deal or opportunity to showcase you and your firm – the one caveat is that you will only have 120 seconds to do it in.

2 minutes is actually a decent amount of time - but you will need to summarise and potentially practice to make sure you don’t go over the 120 seconds!

The short, sharp format will allow us to hear from several people to get a sense of multiple opportunities and capabilities around our two networks.

To register for 22nd May please email Nicki Lynn at MGI to register: Nicki Lynn . 

Registration is also open for the 2024 group calls taking place at 08:30 and 16:00 London time on the following dates:

11 September and 20 November

If you have any suggestions for guest speakers or topics for discussion, please contact Keith Heddle